Korallen Zucht

Marine Fish Food 2mm floating pellets 350g

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  • Regular price $18.00

Marine Fish Pellets is a main fish food for maximum vitality, health and condition containing active components against stress!

High valuable ingredients, ideal and balanced nutrients with a very low water pollution. Optimum usability for all kind of marine fish!

Marine Fish Pellets is a main fish food for maximum vitality, health and condition containing active components against stress. It builds up resistance against parasites and virus and strengthens stongly the immune system.

  • Contains components against stress
  • intense coloration
  • healthy enterobacteria and digestion
  • very low water pollution
  • prevention of parasits and illness


Rohprotein 28%,Rohhfaser 3%, Calcium 1%, Natrium 0,05%, Rohfett 8%,Phosphor 1%,Rohasche 6%. Zusammensetzung: Weizen, HP.-Sojaex.schrot, Rapsschrot, Rapssat, Fischöl, Spirulina, Astaxanthin. Montmorilonit, Natrium, Knoblauchpulver, Kurkuma, Bierhefe, Beta Glucan, AloeVera, Kapuzinerkresse, Goldrute, Thymian, Oregano, Anis, Pfefferminze, Eukalyptus, Pilze, Meeresalgen, Früchte, Fettsäuren, AloeVera, Vitamn B., Mono-Calcium-Phosphat. Ernährungsphysiologische Zusatzstoffe je Kg: 15.000 l.E. Vitamin A (E672), 2.000 l.E. Vitamin D3 (E671), 200 mg Vitamin E (all-rac-alphaTocopherylacetat 3a700). Spurenelemente: 125mg Eisen E1 Eisen(II)carbonat, 6mg Kupfer als E4 Kupfer-II-sulfat/Pentahydrat, 30mg Zink E6 Zinkoxid, 20mg Mangan E5, Mangan-II-oxid, 2mg Jod E2 wasserfreies Calciumjodat, 0,1mg Selen E8 Natriumselenit. Antioxidationsmittel: 150mg E321 Butylhydroxytoluol (BHT) Farbstoffe: 50mg Astaxanthin (E161j).